Twitter Conversation Networks

rstats twitter conversations voson.tcn networks

Getting started with the voson.tcn package.

Bryan Gertzel (VOSON Lab)

voson.tcn The VOSON Lab has recently published to GitHub a new open source R package called voson.tcn. The package uses the Early-Access Twitter API v2, to collect tweets belonging to specified threaded conversations and generate networks. The Twitter API v2 provides a new tweet identifier: the conversation ID, that is common to all tweets that are part of a conversation, and can be searched for using the API search endpoints. Identifiers and associated metadata for referenced tweets can also be collected in the same search for conversation tweets, allowing us to construct twitter networks with tweet and user metadata whilst minimising API requests.

Twitter Developer Access

The voson.tcn package requires developer app authentication keys or tokens to access the Twitter API v2. These can be either the Access token & secret of an app or its Bearer token.

To obtain these credentials and use the early-access API you will need to have or apply for a Twitter Developer Account, as well as have activated the new Developer Portal. Once approved you will then need to create a development project, which is the new management container for apps, and either create a new app or associate one of your existing apps with it.

There are currently two project types available that correspond to Twitter’s developer product tracks, a standard and academic type. Academic projects are only available to researchers who have completed and have had their application for the academic research track approved for non-commercial research purposes. Standard projects are for more general use, including hobby and educational purposes. The project type features differ in their API access and caps; standard projects can only access the 7-day recent search endpoint whereas an academic project can access the full-archive search endpoint for historical tweets. There are also rate-limits and monthly tweet caps for API v2 search endpoints. At the time of writing, the caps are 500k and 10 million tweets that can be retrieved per month for the standard and academic track projects respectively.

Please note that there are also terms of use and restricted use cases that should be considered before applying for access or using the Twitter API.


The voson.tcn R package is in development and currently only available on GitHub. It can be installed as follows:

# use the remotes package to install the latest dev version of voson.tcn from github

# Downloading GitHub repo vosonlab/voson.tcn@HEAD
# √  checking for file
# -  preparing 'voson.tcn':
# √  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... 
# -  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
# -  checking for empty or unneeded directories
# -  building 'voson.tcn_0.1.6.9000.tar.gz'
# * installing *source* package 'voson.tcn' ...
# ...
# * DONE (voson.tcn)
# Making 'packages.html' ... done


The voson.tcn package only supports app based authentication using OAuth2.0 tokens which are also known as bearer tokens. We will likely support user based tokens in the future, however at this stage they do not offer any advantages as they have lower rate-limits and we are not using any private metadata of which they permit access (such as user-visible only metrics).

The token can be created using either your apps access token & secret (also known as consumer keys) or its bearer token. It is recommended that this token is saved for future use; there is no need to perform this step more than once as the token will not change unless it is invalidated or you regenerate keys on the developer portal.


# retrieves a bearer token from the API using the apps consumer keys
token <- tcn_token(consumer_key = "xxxxxxxx",
                   consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxx")

# alternatively if you have a bearer token already you can assign it directly
token <- list(bearer = "xxxxxxxxxxxx")

# if you save the token to file this step only needs to be done once
saveRDS(token, "~/.tcn_token")


Collecting conversation tweets requires the tweet ID or URL of a tweet that belongs to each threaded conversation that you are interested in. These are passed to the voson.tcn collect function tcn_threads as a vector or list. Conversation IDs will be tracked by this function to avoid duplication and, if tweet IDs are found to belong to a conversation that has already been collected on, then that conversation will be skipped.

In the following example, we are collecting the tweets for a threaded conversation belonging to a public lockdown announcement following a COVID-19 outbreak in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, that took place on March, 29, 2021. The tweet URL or ID (number following the status in the URL) can be passed directly to the collection function.

Figure 1: Public announcement tweet regarding a COVID-19 lockdown of Brisbane, from the Queensland Premier. Embedded tweet sourced from Twitter.
# read token from file
token <- readRDS("~/.tcn_token")

# collect the conversation thread tweets for supplied ids           
tweets <- tcn_threads("", token)

When completed, a list of named dataframes will be returned, with tweets containing all of the tweets and their metadata, and users containing all of the referenced users in the tweets and their metadata. In our example, 286 tweets were collected with 180 associated users public metadata.

Note that the collection of a threaded tweet conversation is a snapshot of the state of the conversation at a point in time. Metrics and networks produced from our data will not completely match subsequent collections of the same conversation, as it will have likely cumulatively expanded over time.

# collected tweets
print(tweets$tweets, n = 3)
# # A tibble: 286 x 14
#   in_reply_to_user~ conversation_id  source  author_id  tweet_id  ref_tweet_type
#   <chr>             <chr>            <chr>   <chr>      <chr>     <chr>         
# 1 15999~            137631189762495~ Twitte~ 134852208~ 13763373~ replied_to    
# 2 1142316897985163~ 137631189762495~ Twitte~ 126908387~ 13763373~ replied_to    
# 3 25683~            137631189762495~ Twitte~ 137503906~ 13763371~ replied_to    
# # ... with 283 more rows, and 8 more variables: ref_tweet_id <chr>, text <chr>,
# #   created_at <chr>, includes <chr>, public_metrics.retweet_count <int>,
# #   public_metrics.reply_count <int>, public_metrics.like_count <int>,
# #   public_metrics.quote_count <int>

# users metadata
print(tweets$users, n = 3)
# # A tibble: 180 x 12
#   profile.username profile.created_~ profile.profile_~ user_id profile.descript~
#   <chr>            <chr>             <chr>             <chr>   <chr>            
# 1 MSMW~            2013-03-30T06:48~ https://pbs.twim~ 131592~ "Fact checking i~
# 2 bpro~            2012-12-04T02:07~ https://pbs.twim~ 987844~ "Only way to get~
# 3 scre~            2009-10-22T22:56~ https://pbs.twim~ 844463~ "I'm a  creative~
# # ... with 177 more rows, and 7 more variables: <chr>,
# #   profile.verified <lgl>, profile.location <chr>,
# #   profile.public_metrics.followers_count <int>,
# #   profile.public_metrics.following_count <int>,
# #   profile.public_metrics.tweet_count <int>,
# #   profile.public_metrics.listed_count <int>

If interested in text analysis, the tweet text can be found in the text column of the tweets dataframe and user profile descriptions in profile.description of the users dataframe.

Public metrics for tweets and users are found in dataframe columns prefixed, with public_metrics and profile.public_metrics respectively.


names(select(tweets$tweets, starts_with("public_metrics")))
# [1] "public_metrics.retweet_count" "public_metrics.reply_count"
# [3] "public_metrics.like_count" "public_metrics.quote_count"

names(select(tweets$users, starts_with("profile.public_metrics")))
# [1] "profile.public_metrics.followers_count"
# [2] "profile.public_metrics.following_count"
# [3] "profile.public_metrics.tweet_count"
# [4] "profile.public_metrics.listed_count"

Network Creation

There are two types of networks that can be generated using voson.tcn: activity and actor network. These differ by the type of node and resulting structure of the networks.

Activity Network

An activity network is a representation of the conversation as seen on Twitter: nodes are tweets and the edges are how they are related. Tweets (or nodes) are identified by their unique identifier Tweet ID (formerly Status ID). In a Twitter threaded conversation, there are only two types of connections or edges between tweets and these are replied_to and quoted.

Replies are made when a user chooses the reply option and publishes a tweet response to the tweet they are replying to. Quotes are a little different in that the user has included a link to or quoted another tweet in the body of their tweet. In Twitter conversation networks, it is common to quote a tweet as part of a reply tweet, generating in the activity network a replied_to and quoted edge from the same node.

# generate an activity network
activity_net <- tcn_network(tweets, "activity")

# number of nodes
# [1] 279

# number of edges
print(activity_net$edges, n = 3)
# # A tibble: 281 x 3
#   from                to                  type      
#   <chr>               <chr>               <chr>     
# 1 1376337359126495232 1376328523518898176 replied_to
# 2 1376337350163267584 1376325216658317315 replied_to
# 3 1376337128016113665 1376311897624956929 replied_to
# # ... with 278 more rows

# [1] "replied_to" "quoted"

Actor Network

An actor network represents the interactions between Twitter users in the conversation: nodes are the users and edges are their connections. As in the activity network, edges are either a reply or a quote but edges represent the classification of a tweet connecting users rather than the activity. Users (or nodes) are identified by their unique Twitter User ID. In the actor network, interactions between users are more apparent and can be measured by the frequency (and direction) of edges between them.

# generate an actor network
actor_net <- tcn_network(tweets, "actor")

# number of nodes or actors
# [1] 180

print(actor_net$edges, n = 3)
# # A tibble: 286 x 6
#   from      to        type  tweet_id     created_at    text                     
#   <chr>     <chr>     <chr> <chr>        <chr>         <chr>                    
# 1 13485220~ 15999128~ reply 13763373591~ 2021-03-29T0~ "@Ther~ @Scott~
# 2 12690838~ 11423168~ reply 13763373501~ 2021-03-29T0~ "@Luke~ @Annas~
# 3 13750390~ 25683344~ reply 13763371280~ 2021-03-29T0~ "@AnnastaciaMP You do un~
# # ... with 283 more rows

# [1] "reply" "quote" "tweet"

Note that in the actor network there is an additional edge type: tweet, which is assigned to a self-loop edge created for the thread’s initial tweet. This is a technique used to retain the initial tweet’s metadata as edge attributes comparable to other edges in the network.

The initial conversation tweet would not usually be included in the edge list, as the initial conversation tweet is not directed at another user, and hence no edge to attach metadata.For example, this allows the text of the initial tweet to be included in any actor network tweet text analysis. It would not usually be included in the edge list as the initial conversation tweet is not directed at another user, and hence no edge to attach metadata is naturally found in this type of network.

Plot Graphs

Activity Network

Visualisation of the activity network produced with igraph.


g <- graph_from_data_frame(activity_net$edges, vertices = activity_net$nodes)
Show code
# change likes to log scale
like_count <- V(g)$public_metrics.like_count
like_count[] <- 0
ln_like_count <- log(like_count)
ln_like_count[!is.finite(ln_like_count)] <- 0

# set node size based on likes, min size 4
size <- ln_like_count * 2
V(g)$size <- ifelse(size > 0, size + 8, 4)

# set node label if number of likes >= 2
V(g)$label <- ifelse(like_count >= 2, like_count, NA)
V(g)$label.color <- "black"

# set node colors based on number of retweets low to high is yellow to green
# set tweets with no retweets to grey
rt_count <- V(g)$public_metrics.retweet_count
rt_count[] <- 0
cols <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow1", "green3"))
cols <- cols(max(rt_count) + 1)
V(g)$color <- cols[rt_count + 1]
V(g)$color[which(rt_count < 1)] <- "lightgrey"

# set edge color to orange if tweet quoted another tweet
E(g)$color <- ifelse(E(g)$type == "quoted", "orange", "grey")
# plot the graph using fruchterman reingold layout
       canvas.width = 1024, canvas.height = 1024,
       layout = layout_with_fr(g),
       edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
       edge.width = 2)
Figure 2: Conversation activity network - Node size and label represent number of tweet likes, color scale is indicating low to high number of retweets (yellow to green). Orange coloured edges are quoting linked tweet.

voson.tcn collects tweets that are all linked to each other via the conversation ID. This means that in a network generated from this data, such as the activity network, all of the nodes (tweets) should be connected in a single component per conversation ID. If multiple conversation IDs were collected on then, it is also possible to have one component because of quote edges. These edges joining conversations occur when a tweet in one conversation has quoted a tweet in another that you have collected.

In the example activity network above, there are two components even though only one conversation ID was collected on. Multiple components are usually due to a missing conversation tweet not able to be retrieved from the API and producing a broken reply chain. This can often occur if, for example, a tweet has been deleted, or the tweet or user flagged or suspended in some way restricting public availability.

Actor Network

Visualisation of the actor network produced with igraph.


regex_ic <- function(x) regex(x, ignore_case = TRUE)

# best effort set the node colour attribute based on presence of city, state,
# or country in the actors profile location field
# value assigned from first match
nodes <- actor_net$nodes %>%
  mutate(color = case_when(
    str_detect(profile.location, regex_ic("brisbane|bris")) ~ "orange",
    str_detect(profile.location, regex_ic("queensland|qld")) ~ "gold",
    str_detect(profile.location, regex_ic("australia|oz")) ~ "yellow",
    TRUE ~ "lightgrey"))

g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(actor_net$edges, vertices = nodes)
Show code
# the following code de-clutters the actor network by removing some nodes
# that are not part of conversation chains and are stand-alone replies to
# the initial thread tweet

# get the author of the initial thread tweet using the conversation id
conversation_ids <- c("1376311897624956929")
thread_authors <- activity_net$nodes %>%
  filter(tweet_id %in% conversation_ids) %>% select(user_id)

# remove actors replying to the initial tweet that have a degree of 1
thread_spokes <- unlist(
  incident_edges(g2, V(g2)[which(V(g2)$name %in% thread_authors$user_id)],
spokes_tail_nodes <- V(g2)[tail_of(g2, thread_spokes)]$name
g2 <- delete_vertices(g2, degree(g2) == 1 & V(g2)$name %in% spokes_tail_nodes)

# convert the graph to undirected
# simplify the graph and collapse edges into an edge weight value
E(g2)$weight <- 1
g2 <- as.undirected(simplify(g2, edge.attr.comb = list(weight = "sum")))
g2 <- delete_vertices(g2, degree(g2) == 0)

# use edge weight for graph edge width
E(g2)$width <- ifelse(E(g2)$weight > 1, E(g2)$weight + 1, 1)

# use the actors followers count for node size 
followers_count <- log(V(g2)$profile.public_metrics.followers_count)
followers_count[!is.finite(followers_count)] <- 0
size <- followers_count * 3
V(g2)$size <- ifelse(size < 6, 6, size)
V(g2)$label <- ifelse(followers_count > 0,
                      V(g2)$profile.public_metrics.followers_count, NA)
# plot the graph using automatically chosen layout
       canvas.width = 1024, canvas.height = 1024,
       layout = layout_nicely(g2),
       vertex.label.cex = 0.8,
       vertex.label.color = "black")
Figure 3: Conversation actor network - Node size and label represent users follower counts. Node color indicates user self-reported location. Edge width represents number of collapsed edges.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Gertzel (2021, March 23). VOSON Lab Code Blog: Twitter Conversation Networks. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Gertzel, Bryan},
  title = {VOSON Lab Code Blog: Twitter Conversation Networks},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}