Creates a YouTube actor network from comment threads on YouTube videos. Users who have made comments to a video (top-level comments) and users who have replied to those comments are actor nodes. The comments are represented as directed edges between the actors. The video id is also included as an actor node, representative of the videos publisher with top-level comments as directed edges towards them.

# S3 method for
Create(datasource, type, ...)



Collected social media data with "datasource" and "youtube" class names.


Character string. Type of network to be created, set to "actor".


Additional parameters passed to function. Not used in this method.


Network as a named list of two dataframes containing $nodes and $edges.


if (FALSE) {
# create a YouTube actor network graph
actorNetwork <- youtubeData |> Create("actor")

# network
# actorNetwork$nodes
# actorNetwork$edges